Creative Coper
September 14, 2018 // Comments Off on Validating Mental Health with Theresa Sopko

Validating Mental Health with Theresa Sopko

Cold, Sober Vulnerability

Theresa says, “I re-found writing and it gave me a lifeline but it took so long for me to give in and accept that writing was all I wanted to do because I didn’t think it could be a “real” job for me.”

“Writing is good for evaluating your own thoughts, I wanted to cry but couldn’t.  I forced myself to free write to access those emotions.”

Theresa talked about her book ‘Cold Sober’ with me which she explained was a compilation of a lot of love poems, “Which is very unlike me.” (Sopko)

Published Trips down Memory Lane

She says that writing this book when relationships were new to her helped her discover her feelings and better express them to her now, fiancé.

Theresa also expressed that her poetry is still helping her to this day, “I used to think I’d be like eww I wrote that?  I thought that was good and shared that?  But instead I still relate to them.”

“I thought I wouldn’t at all… I’ll revisit my poetry collections and not be grossed out by them but still resonate with them.”

Theresa now has three books out (Cold Sober, Small Talk, and Bewilderments of the Eyes), a guide she has written ‘The Art of the Book Launch Party’, and even has her own website ( though she said that most people are surprised to find out that she is a writer.

‘Come out of Your Cave Walking on Your Hands’

“People might not think I’m bold enough because I’m quiet but quiet people are observers,” And in turn, excellent story tellers.

Theresa says, “Quinn was a safe way for me to admit what I felt and wanted because I didn’t feel comfortable saying out loud to anyone for fear of not being taken seriously or scoffed at.”

“I wasn’t brave enough to do what Quinn does in Bewilderments but writing about it helped me cope with my reality and made me hopeful that others would read about Quinn and then get the courage to break out of their own caves.”

I do believe that Theresa’s writing is inspiring and that it does possess the capabilities to bring others out of their ‘caves’ (dark, fixed mindsets) however contrary to her perception of herself I also believe that Ms. Sopko (soon to be a Mrs. Next month!!) comes off as a bold, brilliant individual.

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At the young age of 24 she has not only made a career out of writing for herself but has also opened herself to be an empowering advocate for those who suffer from any mental illness.

So I’ll leave you with this, my top 3 reasons to read Theresa’s writing:

  • You WILL be uplifted.
  • You WILL be validated.
  • You WILL be supporting a very deserving, local author’s dreams.

Pick up a copy of any of her books on Amazon or through her website mentioned above.